Biowaste & Land spreading
Initial Permit - DEC2009
An industrial composting facility along the Plenty River was granted a permit by the DVC in December 2009 to Microbial Activity (MA).
The permit application was specifically for non-putrescible waste.
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) states “There will be no animal excrements or animal remains in the MA compost. These ingredients could otherwise lead to production of human pathogenic bacteria”.(p14)
This is the only EMP for the compost pad.
The permit was for a maximum limit of 50,000 tonnes per year of Boyer sludge, grape marc, pine bark, and green waste.
The following information is likely incomplete. Information has been either received under Right To Information from the EPA, TasWater & DVC; through; and online searches.
Amendment: Sewage Sludge Approved to be Delivered - 2012
Requests for amendments for waste received at the compost facility are in the landowner name, and not Microbial Activity. A request for Biosolids (Sewage sludge) to be taken to the site was approved by Derwent Valley Council. The EMP still reflects the site is not suitable for putrescible waste.
Link: DVC consent to site to take sewage sludge
Amendment: Additional Sewage Sludge (Grade 3), Septic Tank Waste & Fin Fish Farming Waste Approved to be Delivered - 2013
The EPA approved the landowner (not Microbial Activity) to receive additional waste sources:
Sewage sludge from TasWater treatment plants (K130: Sewage Sludge)
Fin Fish Farming waste (K100: Animal effluent and residues. Macerated fish waste. Fin fish farming sludge)
Septic Tank Nightshade Sewage Sludge
The EPA acknowledge the site has not yet been able to generate sufficiently high composting temperatures to ensure compliance with Australian Standard AS4454.
Link: EPA approval
Permit change - 2014
The EPA permit was updated from Microbial Activity to the landowner. In this amendment EPN8894/1 all previous amendments were incorporated into the permit. Those who made representation were not contacted. The EMP still reflects the site is not suitable for putrescible waste.
Link: EPA 88894
Amendment: Additional waste sources: sludge from Cadbury’s -2015
Environmental Protection Notices: EPN10519 & EPN 10535 - 2020
Link: EPN10519 & EPN10535. & EPA report on event
Amendment: Additional waste sources TasWater Sewage Sludge - 2021
Environmental Protection Notices: EPN11153 - 2022
Link: EPN11153
Amendment: Additional waste sources TasWater Sewage Sludge high in Zinc & Fin Fish Farming waste - 2022
Environmental Protection Notices: EPN11347 - 2023
Link: EPN11347
Under EPN11347 - no waste should be entering the exclusion zone - 13APR2023
Additionally Norske Skog biomass waste is being taken to this property. Norske Skog logs are available.